To meet the new requirements of Enterprise Data Protection, network managers are faced with the challenge of overcoming the limitations of traditional backup technology. A solution that addresses the weaknesses of traditional backup can only be practical if it can be implemented at a reasonable price and without significantly disrupting existing systems or processes. To be effective in the real world, any potential solutions must be able to work within many differing scenarios.
Double-Take is a real-time multi-platform data protection software product that creates and maintains an up-to-the-moment copy of production data on a high availability or disaster recovery server. In the event of a server failure, or even a full site disaster, data is immediately available on the backup server.
Double-Take bridges the gap between the capabilities of traditional backup systems and the demands of today’s LAN and client-server applications. By providing economical and easily managed protection for all applications, Double-Take brings near-perfect data protection and availability within reach of all network users.
By continuously maintaining online copies of server data on another server, Double-Take reduces or eliminates data loss and limits downtime to seconds. Combined with existing backup technologies and applications, Double-Take is uniquely suited to meet the new requirements for enterprise data protection and disaster recovery.
Basic are happy to demonstrate the power of double-take replication and backup from our dedicated demonstration area. Basic support clients throughout England.