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Advanced Office Connections

Allowing you greater flexibility in how you set up your offices.

Does Ethernet cable not solve your office connection issues?

Customers have benefited from various connectivity solutions and setups we've implemented.

Wireless Point to Point Bridges

Wireless Point to Point Bridges

Point to point wireless network links connect two (or more) locations together through line of sight (LOS), operating in unlicensed/licensed radio frequencies or through free space optics with speeds available between 100mbps to 10Gbps.

To ensure your wireless network meets the demand of your business and is the correct fit for your needs we carry out thorough tests to get your your wireless bridge setup right.

Wifi Connections

Wifi Network Connectivity

Installation of secure wifi connections can quickly solve network issues where cables are not appropriate.

We can also configure seperate secure networks if you provide your customers with guest internet access.

High-Speed Fibre connections

High-Speed Fibre connections

Another solution to connecting offices and buildings is to use high speed fibre cable.

The advantages of using fibre over wireless solutions are noticeable when large amounts of data are transmitted.

Get in touch with us today.

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