Given the current economic climate, its perhaps even more critical that you're reminded in good time to renew your revenue earning contracts. Alternatively, perhaps you'd like a useful reminder in advance, to warn you to renew a supplier contract at more favourable rates?
Contract Manager provides a single place to manage all your Contracts, whatever the type. Contract Manager for Lotus Notes Domino provides the business management and administration tools in order to maintain your Contract Management function for both customers and suppliers.
Contract Manager can store contract details such as dates and contracted parties. You can also use Contract Manager to store additional documents, including email, letters, and faxes, as well as scanned documents such as the signed terms of contract.
Contract Manager for Lotus Notes Domino provides the storage medium for all your contract details. The ability to tag reminders to contracts and notes ensures that you are able to react in good time and that appropriate actions are taken
This reduces business risk, levels of manual administration and provides details of your financial obligations and revenues quickly and easily.