Simple Notes Timesheets for projects and tasks
Timesheet Manager with 'Task' based approval provides a weekly Timesheet in grid format, where users can detail time spent on activities for a chosen project. These activities or tasks from the project determine which approver will approve that line of the Timesheet.
- Timesheets are recorded on time, to the correct Project & Task regardless of the number of projects & tasks
- Reduce administration by eliminating the paper Timesheet
- Reduce administration and error, by alerting the correct approvers for each Time sheet and Project
- Make better decisions by knowing immediately what projects are running above budget and why.
When a Time sheet is completed by the user, the Time Sheet is sent off for approval. The approvers are determined according to the Projects and Tasks that have been entered on the Timesheet. Each Project Manager is able to approve lines relevant to them only, unless they have rights to approve Projects for which they are not a manager.
Timesheets are therefore routed and approved per task (or line by line) as opposed to per Timesheet. The user completes one or more time sheets per week, against different Tasks underneath Projects. Individual entries are routed to a different authoriser for approval.
Line by line 'task' based Timesheet approval, reduces administration and simplifies an otherwise complicated manual Timesheet and time reporting process. This variation of Timesheets is applicable for those working on multiple projects, who are reporting time to multiple authorisers.
Timesheet Manager: 'Task' Based Timesheet - Key Features
- Individual projects, tasks, activities and cost centres are linked to an authoriser, individual entries are sent to different authorisers
- Log and track working time whether working in the office or remotely
- Record time against nominal values, automatic time calculations
- Template Timesheet facility for accurate and quick data input
- Automated time sheet approval process
- Clocking on facility for auto logging of time
- Week numbering and automatic 'Monday' start dates
- Creation of project teams & generation of working task lists
- Automated task delegation facility, automated task reminders
- Employee, customer, project and activity specific time analysis, day by day, or weekly
- Activity based costing (when linked with salary information)
- Variance budgeted time v/s actual time per task, per project
- Data export of Timesheet data e.g. for cost allocation to external billing system.
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